Tuesday, August 22, 2006


What Is It Really Like to Work Part-Time at a Firm?

PAR is frequently asked by law students and attorneys looking to change firms which firms are best for attorneys who want to have a life outside the office and still be able to have a rewarding professional life inside the office.

Fortunately, we can often give some insider information, thanks to all the terrific attorneys who share their experiences with us.

We are now updating The Scoop, the section of our website that provides information about how part-time really works at various firms across the country. We have one section that provides a table showing the number of associates, counsel, and partners who work reduced hours, whether part-timers are eligible for partnership, etc. Some of this information comes from the firms themselves. We then have a link for each firm to a page with additional information -- some gathered from respected sources like NALP, some gathered from the Internet, and some gathered from reports from attorneys who work at the firms and just plain gossip.

If you would like to help us, please drop us a line at scoop@pardc.org and let us know the good, bad, and ugly of part-time work at your firm. If you work part-time, please let us know how it works for you. If you have decided not to work part-time, please tell us why. And if you've observed part-time work by others, that is good to know about, too.

You could really help us by sending emails to all your friends who are attorneys and ask them to also send us information about part-time work at their firms. The more responses we get, the more useful The Scoop will be.




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