Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The Diversity & Flexibility Connection in Action: Walmart Legal Department Shows Support for Flexible Work

The Walmart Legal Department has been a vocal and active participant in PAR’s Diversity & Flexibility Connection, committing to referring work to balanced hours lawyers, signaling support for flexible work, and effective implementation of their own commitment to diversity and flexibility.

At last month’s Walmart Legal SuperConference, over 1000 of Walmart’s outside lawyers came to Bentonville to participate in two days of programming, the majority of which centered around diversity, inclusion, and flexible work. Walmart highlighted its Diversity Partners, including PAR, and gave participants concrete information and suggestions for making a more inclusive legal profession. PAR Executive Director Manar Morales spoke during both the plenary diversity and inclusion panel and a breakout session on work/life balance and flex time.

Walmart highlighted its commitment to flexible work by recognizing Marci Rose Levine, the practice leader of PAR Member SNR Denton’s health care team, for Excellent Performance and Commitment to Work-Life Balance. Marci has worked a balanced hours schedule for eight years, both as an associate and now as a partner. Marci provides outstanding legal service to Walmart’s Health & Wellness team while also holding a leadership position in her firm. Walmart’s public acknowledgment of how well a balanced hours arrangement works for them is commendable. Marci will be one of our panelists at our upcoming PAR Flex Success Conversation: Advancing Balanced Hours Lawyers (on November 9th in Washington DC).

In addition, Walmart honored Littler Mendelson, also a PAR member, for looking at different ways to approach flexibility as a firm with its recognition for its Innovation in Promoting Work-Life Balance.

By looking internally, partnering with diversity organizations, and providing their outside counsel with expectations and tools for inclusion, Walmart Legal is expanding the conversation and helping ensure progress.

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