Monday, March 21, 2011


PAR Launches Nationwide Survey of Work/Life Issues for In-House Counsel

In-House Lawyers: Take the survey.

PAR is currently doing a follow up study to its report on work/life balance for in-house attorneys, Better on Balance? The Corporate Counsel Work/Life Report (2003). That report focused on three principal goals: one, identify the types of work schedules that in-house attorneys use successfully to find work/life balance; two, develop best practices and a model policy; and three, test the perception of many law firm partners that corporate counsel, as clients, would not want to work with law firm attorneys who were working part-time. The project examined the work schedules used by in-house counsel to create work/life balance and best practices for retaining attorneys through non-stigmatized flexible work arrangements. Additionally, the project studied ways that legal departments, as clients, can assist law firms in decreasing turnover and promoting stability in attorney-client relationships.

The first part of the new 2011 study consisted of a series of focus groups designed to explore the work/life issues that in-house counsel identify as relevant and important to them and to get their experiences with work/life balance. PAR has just launched the second part of the study, a nationwide survey for in-house lawyers. If you currently work in-house, we would value your participation.

The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and your input into this study will help us to better understand what the challenges are, identify best practices, and ultimately, better address the needs that are yet unmet with respect to work-life balance in-house.

Your contribution to this effort will help legal departments develop more effective work- life balance programs for in-house attorneys. Please follow this link to contribute your perspective to this study:

Preliminary findings from the focus groups and the survey will be presented at our annual conference on March 30th in Washington DC. Sponsored by Walmart, Pfizer, Del Monte, and Dupont.

In-House Lawyers: Take the survey.

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